Advanced Statistical Models Advanced Statistical Models Proprietary algorithms applied with sophisticated techniques to extract actionable knowledge and insights from data META-ANALYSIS AI / MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS CLUSTERING ECONOMIC MODELING Advanced statistical and analytical methods Selection bias models (propensity score matching, instrumental variables approach, etc.) Complex and hierarchical model fitting Clustering, classification, and prediction Survival analysis Longitudinal analysis Multivariate analysis Network and tree analysis Supervised machine learning Experts in a wide range of complex healthcare studiesData Source Evaluation to Support Defined Use CasesExternal Comparator Arm StudiesClinical Trial Analysis (standard, adaptive, pragmatic)Observational Study Design and Analysis (case-control, cohort, complex survey, registry, electronic health record (EHR), real world)MicrosimulationPost-Marketing StudiesHealthcare Policy Impact and Access to CareSystematic Literature ReviewRare Disease and Advanced Therapies Why Choose CDA? Advanced Statistical Models Journal Publications CDA News Feed